It's been 8 years since I played last Shadowrun game. The last three of them were made by Harebrained Schemes. The only three good Shadowrun games out there. Especially the second one, Shadowrun: Dragonfall. Initially released as DLC for the first game Shadowrun Returns, it surpassed original game in every aspect - story, characters, twist, soundtrack. Later they released it as a separate game with expanded story. I always had some hope left in me that they will make another Shadowrun game, but then Shadowrun Lockdown was released by another developer, and it was mediocre to say the least. Then Harebrained switched to making other games that didn't interest me whatsoever. And now 8 years later they are releasing another tactical game, by the looks of it with the brand new IP. I will surely play it and hope tactical part and story are so good that they will overshadow vague and generic setting.