Just saw gameplay of the upcoming Space Marine 2! Looks absolutely sick! #Hypegäng #Lesgetitgamers #ezmaniezlaif
Aaaw shiit here we go again... Time to purge some heretics and kill xenos on PC! Last time I played this as a kid on PS3 almost 10 years ago! :D
Anyone still remember this gem? Such a fun and underrated game that perfectly encapsulated the glorious combat of the 40k universe! Too bad Relic Entertainment didn't make it into a trilogy :(
Family dinner
My GPU is in pain
My teammates appreciated my League of Legends gameplay
They have breached the stronghold!
Rap album picture
The new DayZ map is massive! #ThatsABigMap
It was time for Melskapete to go. There was no other choice #FoundTheCure #BoomHeadshot
Still a long way to go before it's finished! #BobTheBuilder