Just bought Satisfactory from sale and it's a really fun game! I hope there is a pollution system and the factories can scale to massive proportions in late game. I'll keep you updated 馃檪 #getrektnativewildlife #factorybuilding
I've spent the last two days building an oil pipe over 2,5km long. Hopefully it will be worth it. Also, there are EXTREMELY unnecessarily scary spiders in this game lurking in the forests. It is actually scarier than any horror games I have played, because you can't escape their wrath and they are just generally very creepy. I will never leave my base again, or at least not until I have researched bombs and I'm ready to carpet bomb that shit on a regular basis. And then? It's payback time YEEEEAAAAAAHHHH 馃槑
I'm only now starting to realize how much content there is in this game. I need to build a bigger and more scalable factory with other design soon! But before I can do that effectively, I will need blueprints. I'll keep you guys updated 馃槑 #peaceout
This is a really addictive game and my factory is growing
Family dinner
My GPU is in pain
My teammates appreciated my League of Legends gameplay
They have breached the stronghold!
Rap album picture
The new DayZ map is massive! #ThatsABigMap
It was time for Melskapete to go. There was no other choice #FoundTheCure #BoomHeadshot