My boy Faker was inducted to League of Legends Hall of Fame as the first player ever. Unsurprisingly of course but I'm still glad it happens. He is the absolute GOAT 馃悙 after all. I guess he doesn't mind it either. In addition to all the glory he will also be getting: - a Mercedes-AMG SL 63 - a percentage of revenue from sales of passes and bundles they will create to commemorate his achievements Not bad at all! GZ Faker! P.S. they even made a nice little trailer for him:
My teammates appreciated my League of Legends gameplay
Looks like Riot just launched pricing for the Faker signature Ahri skin. The most expensive version costs $500. Quite insane if you ask me 馃槄
Riot decided to split the ranked season into three splits instead of the standard 2. The second split just started and I'm still not quite convinced this was the move to make. Might be the boomer in me talking but there was something special on having just one season per year once. It makes sense of course to do more splits since they must always reactivate the playerbase like crazy but it doesn't mean I have to like it 馃槑
Hello all! We have just updated our Riot integration and League of Legends profile widget due to Riot's transition from summoner names to Riot ID:s. To fix your LoL widget on indicator you'll have to remove the connection from settings -> connections and do it again. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Master once again 馃 This time I played mostly Leona + a little bit of Nautilus as support and Zac Jungle when Riot didn't want me to support. Leona's strengths are: 1. Early game dominance 2. Mid/late game engages 3. Ability to peel carries with tons of CC 4. And maybe a bit underrated, but ease of setting up vision. Since Leona is so tanky you can more easily facecheck bushes than many other supports.
Skarner rework has been released and it looks like Riot made him a toplaner by accident. The main reason seems to be that he is extremely strong at trading with his W that gives Skarner a shield while damaging and slowing all enemies around him. It doesn't necessarily seem like a big problem but given relatively low CD (10 sec at rank 1), and low mana cost (50 mana at rank 1) he can trade very effectively. Additionally with Skarner in top the lane is easy to gank, and if Skarner wants he can go roaming quite easily and fast as well with his E. I was once a Skarner main in the Jungle but before Riot does some patching I feel like there is no reason to play him anywhere else than top right now.
Skarner rework is finally coming in patch 14.7 that is set to release 3rd of April so only a little more than a week to go! By the looks of it he will be a super solid CC tank with a lot of peeling potential. I'm mostly excited about his max hp % -based damage that scales with his own HP. Also the new E looks quite fun, it will allow Skarner to go through walls and CC enemies to another wall Poppy E style. Phreak just released a nice video about the main philosophies behind this rework and in case anyone is interested I'll link it below. At the moment I only have like 500k mastery points so maybe I'll do another 500k after the rework 馃槅
Back in business after roughly 2 years break 馃
Congratz to NAVI for winning IEM Rio 2024! 馃槑 馃帀
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Still great even though he is not the main carry anymore. Maybe another Worlds title at the end of the year?