That feeling you have when you just finished an amazing game. With StarCraft II that feeling I have once in a while when I replay all the campaigns. Too bad the story is over and in a way I'm glad there are no spin offs or some other crap like World of StarCraft. There is not much space for story rich games in the modern gamedev. There is also less and less demand for competitive real-time strategy games, all that market was consumed with MOBAs. Not many players out there want to spend hundreds of hours just to even stand a chance against other players. Having such good in size and quality single-player part is too expensive nowadays. Those shy attempts to revive an RTS market don't even try to include campaign or a story because creating balanced PvP game is already challenge on its own. I will revisit StarCraft story in the future, hoping there won't be any Reforged failures that will take the original game from me.